Real Estate • Business World Bank • Market Trading



NNCOIN’s mission is to allow anyone to become a landlord by oering the possibility To invest instantly in real estate worldwide. Around the world.
Through the tokenization of real estate located around the World, NNCOIN allows anyone to create and manage a real Estate portfolio by investing in the properties oared on its Platform
Investors receive their share of the rents, as well as the respective capital gains of their investments.
Properties are tokenized through smart contracts on the Binance Smart Chain. The NNCOIN platform is easy to use, And requires no minimum investment. We take care of the Management of the properties, once the investors distribute Their investments to the properties of their choice, they Receive instantly and automatically the ownership of their Assets and the respective gains of the rent losses and capital Gains.
The profits generated by the monthly rentals of the Tenants and the capital gains of the properties are redistributed to the investors every month.
To support its operational activities, NNCOIN collects various sources of revenue, more details in the “revenue sources” section. Its main income is based on profits generated from rentals and capital gains by charging a 10% fee on the benefits. It is therefore in NNCOIN’s interest to carefully research, analyse and negotiate the best terms and conditions when buying properties oared on its platform. Holders will benefit from the Priority Investor Pass, as long as they invest a minimum of $5000 in the Holders.
This pass gives access to premium features (including a bank account and NNCOIN bank card to interact, pay, trade, BAT and/or crypto-currency see PIP section for more details)